The Next Big Thing

29 Apr

Think about the cool new products that have taken the retail market by storm. Most of them have one thing in common: They were started by consumers just like you and me who saw a need and stepped in to develop a product to meet that need. They took a risk, they worked diligently on a solution, they tirelessly marketed the final product, and soon, momentum increased.

Just ask Marie Moody, founder of Stella & Chewy’s, or Pasha Cook, founder of All-Natural Pet Delivery, or Tabitha Washington, inventor of the Treatstik. These people and others have taken a rock-star idea and made it happen. And with today’s technology, it’s easier than ever before.

Websites like allow people with great ideas to get funding for them. Sean Kelly, founder of Redogulous Labs, has a very cool idea for a dog collar that uses wireless technology (and a bunch of other cutting edge tech) to let your dog communicate with you during the day via your smartphone. You can track how long your dog sleeps (or barks at the window) while you’re at work, how much he chases the cat, how many calories he burns on his daily walks with you, and much more.

Love the idea? Contribute your feedback and — more important — your dollars here. Even $5 can help a great idea get off the ground.

Got a great idea of your own? Get started today, and remember, necessity is the mother of invention (and financing is the father)! If you like, tell us an idea that you think would make a great  product for dogs.


Posted by on April 29, 2013 in Cool New Products


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3 responses to “The Next Big Thing

  1. jbranchohio

    April 30, 2013 at 8:00 am

    This would be so great. My husband and I have thought about getting the cameras that you can monitor on your phone so we could see our dogs throughout the day. How cool would it be to even be able to “call” them and talk to them!?

    My products may not be as cool as all of that but with a background in veterinary medicine and knowing how frustrating it can be to find good products that work, I developed my own product line and it’s made with all organic ingredients.

    Unfortunately so many daily household items have chemicals in them that are not good for us or our pets but I felt like the products that are specifically made to put on them should definitely not be on the list.

    I named the product line RESCUE… Pet Products and each one RESCUEs a common need AND 10% is donated to shelters and organizations dedicated to saving animals lives.

    Our slogan is Rescuing Animals while Keeping Yours Healthy. Check us out and spread the word! Our pets deserve the best and animals that don’t have parents deserve a chance.

    Thank you!!!
    JB Ranch

  2. corgipants

    April 30, 2013 at 4:19 pm

    Similar product on kickstarter (minus the really odd inclusion of invisible fence)

  3. tammy3012

    May 2, 2013 at 5:29 pm

    Reblogged this on


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